PEI PNP Business Impact Category Pre-Application Package

If you would like to apply for the Work Permit Stream with our representation, please prepare and send us a complete Pre-Application Package. Here are the documents we need from you:

  • Preliminary Questionnaire (DOWNLOAD)
  • Business Concept Form (DOWNLOAD)*
  • All passport photo pages of applicant and accompanying family members
  • All Canadian immigration documents including visa, eTA, and permit of applicant and accompanying family members
  • IELTS test report forms of applicant and/or accompanying family members^
  • Resumes of applicant and spouse
  • Organizational Charts of applicants who claim business experience as senior managers (business owners with at least 20% shares in an organization do not need to provide at this stage)

*If you have difficulty with deciding what business concept you would like to propose to PEI, we can help you.

^Spouse or any dependent children with CLB / NCLC 6 in the official language exam adds 10 points to the applicant’s EOI.

Definition of Senior Manager

In order for your management experience to be considered senior management experience under the Work Permit Stream, you must supervise at least 3 full-time employees in the same organization and be primary decision makers in an organization.

  • Executives are senior managers
  • Department heads are senior managers
  • Team leaders may be considered senior managers


Please email or a specific representative a Pre-Application Package for each potential PEI PNP business applicant. GB PEI can only (1) generate an applicant agreement, (2) arrange a community endorsement meeting, and (3) submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) upon the receipt of a Pre-Application Package and refundable First Payment.

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