The PEI Office of Immigration issued Invitation to Apply (ITA) to PEI PNP potential applicants on July 15, 2021. Business Impact Category 9 business owners and senior managers received an ITA. The minimum score for an ITA was 75, which was 15 points higher than the last round. The rise of the score was because the PEI Office of Immigration invited less candidates than June. We anticipate the low cut-off score will be more or less the same in the next round, but in order to be safe, we recommend your EOI score to be at around 80. Labour Impact […]
Most people strive to live a more balanced and fulfilling life, and the Holistic Wellness Training Centre on Ottawa Street in Summerside offers professional and personal programs to help people achieve their goals. About 40 people recently celebrated the grand opening of the Holistic Wellness Training Centre where they participated in some activities and had to opportunity to meet the two staff members, a yoga instructor, and an art teacher. In only about two years, this client went from the PEI PNP application stage to opening his centre and becoming an active part of the PEI community! He first submitted […]

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